Platelet rich plasma injection in knee osteoarthritis: results after four years.
To evaluate the short and long term effects of intra-articular injection of PRP on pain and functional status of the knee joint as measured by the Lysholm questionnaire and visual analogic pain scale (VAS).
No More Knee Pain: The Best Running Shoes for Pain-Free Runs
There's nothing worse for a runner than feeling motivated to hit the roads, but not being able to because of an injury. "Runner's knee" is a general term that encompasses a few different conditions that can cause knee pain from running. Although running shoes won't cure knee pain on their own, choosing the right pair is a must if you hope to alleviate or avoid knee pain and keep logging those miles.
10 Strengthening Exercises for Hip Bursitis
Previously, researchers thought that hip bursitis was the primary cause of lateral or side hip pain. Now, experts know that greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) is a more accurate explanation. GTPS includes injury or wear and tear of the gluteal muscle tendons (tendinopathy), which may cause hip pain that worsens with movement.
New hip replacement tool could transform surgery
A team of experts hoped a new, first of its kind, technology could help transform the future of hip replacement surgery. Researchers in Cambridge have won an award to further develop their wireless surgical aid, which has thin sensors to help with positioning and make hip surgery more precise with longer-lasting outcomes.
Diagnosing severe hip arthritis with X-ray
In a severe hip arthritis X-ray, the joint space is absent, which means the cartilage has worn away, and the bones can rub against each other. The X-ray also shows the development of bone spurs and deformity of the bones in the joint.